Fruit based Breakout themed action. Stop the watermelon from falling off the bottom of the screen by moving your body to block it!
The player controller a paddle (in the case of the original, a persons body) left and right across the bottom of the screen. The ball (a watermelon) moves down towards the bottom of the screen at a random angle, and the player needs to move the paddle in the way to stop the ball falling off the bottom.
- Add a player paddle, which they can move left and right by using whatever input method you prefer (e.g. controller, keyboard).
- Add a ball/watermelon, which moves at a consistent speed across the screen, bouncing when it hits the walls or the player.
- Have the ball pick a random spot across the top of the screen to start at, and random direction to move in. This means each time the game is loaded, the game is slightly different.
Lose StateThe ball goes past the player, and off the screen.
Win StateThe player survives for the entire length of the timer.
Extra Credit
- Add some reaction animations for when the players paddle gets hit by the ball.
- Add more difficulties; in the original warioware implementation, the easiest difficulty has the paddle take up about 60% of the screen, and in the hardest it takes up 40% of the screen.
Made By | Engine | Link |
EdwardJFox | Godot 3.4 | GitHub |