June 16, 2022

Gold Digger

One of the most iconic games in the Warioware series, perfectly nailing its childish tone and playful nature. A finger is moving back and forth in front of a nose. The players goal is to get the finger into the nose, by stopping it at the right moment so its finger can be thrust up directly into a nostril.


  • Draw a player character which moves around the nose without the characters interaction.
  • Draw a nose with two nostrils for the finger to go into.
  • The player presses an input to halt the fingers movement around the nose, and the finger gets moves towards (and hopefully into) the nose from that position.
  • Lose State
    The finger does not go into one of the nostrils, whether missing the nose completely or hitting the outside/middle of the nose.
  • Win State
    The finger makes it into one of the nostrils.

Extra Credit

  • Multiple difficulties; The original game uses a pinky finger for difficulty 1, pointer finger for difficulty 2, and two fingers (one for each nostril) for difficulty 3.
  • Unique interactions depending on where the finger hits on the nose. E.g. instance hitting the middle turns up the nostrils, but go wild with it!
  • Lose State
    The timer runs out.


example of a warioware round where the player wins
The player winning a round by getting the finger in the nose successfully.
example of a warioware round where the player loses
The player loses a round by hitting the right side of the nose with the finger.


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Made by Edward Fox, Software developer and bad gamer from Sheffield, UK. Twitter or Email

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