June 16, 2022

Banana Munch

Starting off with the basics, giving you a base for all the other katas. Mash the button to eat the whole banana before the time runs out!


  • Draw a banana on the screen.
  • On a players input, advance the bananas state one more step in being eaten. Start with taking off the peel, then eating the inside.
  • Add a timer with a basic countdown display to zero.
  • Lose State
    The timer runs out.
  • Win State
    The player manages to eat the whole banana before the timer runs out.

Extra Credit

  • Add some shake to the banana while it is being eaten. Once the banana is fully eaten, it stops shaking.
  • Add some particles when the bananas insides get eaten. Wario is a messy eater!
  • Add a background. The original game you’re eating a banana in space, but you can choose whatever background you want. Extra extra credit for an animated background.
  • Multiple difficulties; The original game required 5 presses for difficulty 1, 6 presses for difficulty 2, and 8 for difficulty 3. But do what you feel is best!
  • Make the timer re-usable in your chosen game engine. The timer concept is central to all the Microgames. To help with future katas, making a re-usable timer object now will make things a bit smoother.


example of banana munch where the player wins
Winning a round by finishing off the banana.
example of banana munch where the player loses
Losing a round by not finishing the banana off in time!


Made By Engine Link
EdwardJFox Godot 3.4 GitHub

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Made by Edward Fox, Software developer and bad gamer from Sheffield, UK. Twitter or Email

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